
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Precious few days

 I have had a really good week!  Claire is beginning to sleep longer through the night! I don't think things will be perfect by Wednesday, but we are headed in the right direction.  I just had to share the cute pictures above!  She is so loveable and huggable after her bath.  She rarely smiles though...she's usually very anxious to get to the next phase of the bedtime routine - EATING!  She rarely gets tense about food, but give her a bath at 9pm and you will see a ravenous side of her.

I have greatly enjoyed my 2+ months with Claire.  I feel like I have learned so much over the past 9 weeks.  I'm figuring out when she's sleepy, what her different cries are, and how to hold her so that she feels comforted.  It has been a wild ride and it's only the beginning.  We have had some incredible help along the way too - which I will never forget!

Another enjoyable thing about being home with her is the ability to have "play dates".  Ok ok at this age I'm sure the play dates are more about the adult interaction than the child's, but still I'd like to think we both look forward to them.  Below are 3 different play dates Claire and I had with Jake and his mom Stef.  Neither of them seem terribly interested in the other.  They just sort of play independently next to each other, but Stef and I are convinced they like the visits.  hehehe. 
1st Play Date...Jake was all about action!
Claire slept through everything...despite efforts to include her, poor Jake was left to play alone.
2nd Plat Date!  Claire was still very sleepy...there were a few looks and kicks, but it was still mostly Jake moving around.

3rd Play Date - Claire is awake!!!  This time it's her bouncing around while Jake just chills. They also had a GREAT helper (Lucy) to bring them lots of soft toys to keep them company.
 I must admit I have been letting Claire sleep on me or by me on the couch a bit more this week than usual.  I am just soaking up every last second I can before heading back to work.  I'm dreading those first days of drop off, but I will say that I don't think daycare is bad...I just am not quite emotionally prepared (nor will ever be) to drop off my little girl and leave her.  I know it helps socialize and it's a good place and there are plenty of professionals, but the last 9 weeks have been all about her and I getting to know each other and having a great time doing so.  I am SO blessed by this little munchkin!


daniel.and.stefanie said...

aww I love their play dates!!! They will be best friends.. if we have anything to do with it lol

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