
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It's been a while

So - during my last post I think I stumbled upon what I wanted to do with this blog...and it's been so long since I posted...I'm not really sure I remember what I decided on... ha!

Well - I will say that I am TOTALLY pumped that I got a new purse! I have officially upgraded in size of bag! Brian teases me about how much I could actually fit in my new bag. To make his point last night he stuffed a small blanket inside it and threatened to zip it in! I was actually pretty surprised that the whole blanket fit w/out even folding it! Impressive!
I hope to get a lot of use out of this bad boy!!! It was pretty inexpensive when you consider the other bags I've thought about buying. Thanks Urban Outfitters!

I'm currently working on 2 baby quilts. One is for a boy and the other for a girl. I love making baby quilts because I can finish them super fast! (well super fast meaning a matter of weeks as opposed to months) Why baby quilts? Well - maybe I have baby on the brain right now - just maybe...but don't push it okay? heheeehee

I haven't decided where they are going yet - on etsy? as gifts? who knows really. I just enjoy making them. I think my next mission is to make a quilt from reclaimed fabrics. Sounds like a good challenge, you know? Who knows - it might be cheaper too! lol.

This week I'm going to Omaha to visit my family. Should be fun. I know my husband is probably looking forward to some "me" time however is dreading the fact that his cook and laundry fairy are also going to Omaha. I'm sure he will live haha.

Recently a voice from the past contacted me on facebook - he was the cool kid in high school - well one of them above my level in the high school caste system it was ridiculous. Now days...over 15 years since graduation...he's just another guy. Sure he's part of my childhood and I'm interested in how life has treated him and all that, but really...all those anxiety feelings and nerves don't exist anymore when speaking to him. Well - when fb messaging him - I highly doubt we will ever see each other face to face again. My point being...I am so glad high school is in the past! It was mostly a good time and all that - but now that I'm an adult I can really embrace who and what I am. Not be afraid of being made fun of or being ridiculed...I can just be the little crafty maxine that I want to be. So thanks guy from the past for reminding me that high school was a long time ago and I'm just not that little unsure of herself girl anymore! (I bet he has no idea all that was inspired by just a little fb note that says HI) hahaaaaha

So - back to my trip to Omaha. Oh! Maybe I will have a chance to go to the thrift store there - there are SO many thrift stores in Omaha it's ridiculous!

Ok - this post is long enough. Will type more tomorrow!

Friday, January 14, 2011


Committing to a blog is exhausting. Do I write every day? Every other day? Every week?

What do I write about? Personal life? What if I say too much...what if I don't say enough...? What if my "spiritual insights" aren't exactly spot on?

Am I over thinking this? Probably.

But I want my blog - the words that I share with hopefully more than 1 person (eventually) to make a difference. If it's a personal blog, then it would be ideal if my whole family were 'tuned' to this blog...but is that what I really want? My whole family in tune? I mean...maybe when we have kids and I want to post somewhere other than Facebook... but what about now?

I'm thinking about just focusing on what's going on day to day...week to week...and see where it goes. For instance...

Last night I was reading "Always True" by Pastor James MacDonald. It's a great book. I am just through the first chapter and I find myself thinking that I should go over the 1st chapter again. It's filled to the brim with such encouraging uplifting truths. The truth I read about last night is "God is always with me"

Think about that...always with me. He's not always with everyone...just those that want Him around. How incredible is that?! I want The Lord around me - with me... I think this truth will be KEY this year because I am more determined than ever to shake this whole 'fear' habit of mine. I mean look at how this entry started "What if.....what if...." God is so much bigger than the "what ifs" in life...and I just need to remember that as I live out my life.

Deut. 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them for the Lord your God is with you. He will never leave or forsake you."

That is my memory verse for this week...and really through the whole year. I don't have to be afraid of what's to come...because the Lord is with me. This is not some kind of naive chatter or thought. This is a promise. There are 4 other promises I will be reading about this month and I am eager to explore them!

This is what I want to write about. What I am learning in my walk with the Lord. Obviously in that - personal triumphs and trials will come and go...but this is an excellent way for me to really see how I'm progressing.

Eventually I'm sure it will be a way for me to be accountable...but will probably need more readers for that. haha. Who knows...maybe in February I will take a jump and share on Facebook? Who knows where this could go...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I would like to do more creatively...but not sure how?

I want to be able to present the proverbial 'world' with various products I create/sew whatever, however I am just not sure how to do that. I have a decent grasp of what I need to do...but... I don't want to do everything that I need to do...

For instance - I don't want to think about "what my products say" "why people should buy from me rather than others" "what my BRAND says, does, delivers..." I just want to make things and have people enjoy them. I want fair prices for these products so I can continue making them... I don't want to think about what my website will look like and scheme about what I should write on my blog in order to lure more people to buy my stuff... I just want to create!

I'm sure I'm not the only one with this "problem" or mentality for that matter.

So often in my life I come across things I really like to do. Go out to eat, on vacation, hang out with friends, and shop! There are just some things that I do not want to do - at all...sit down, do chores, clean up the house, grocery shop, make dinner, and clean up after dinner - yuk! Some things in life you must just DO and get over with.

I'm often reminded of "in all things give thanks". I want 2011 to be a year where I bicker about menial duties less and rave about how I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams more. It's so difficult to stay in the thankful mindset when it's 22 degrees and snowing outside and it's only Tuesday...but really...I don't have it bad at all.

In the light of all the disaster going on around the world...I'd say just having to deal with cold weather is doing pretty well.

It's January 13th and I'm still unsure of where this blog is going...but it needs to be going somewhere...I just haven't set aside the time to really think about until I do - I will continue rambling random events and thoughts.

Monday, January 10, 2011

A new year requires new goals!

There is so much focus on resolutions at the beginning of the year. Fitness plans, spiritual plans, relationship promises etc... I love this time of year. New beginnings - new chances - new plans!

This could be my best year yet! It probably will be!

I'm reading the book "Always True" by Pastor James Macdonald's about holding on to the promises of God...especially when going through a rough time. I'm not currently going through a rough time, but I know there are those around me who I want to be an encouragement to them.

In family news - Matt, my younger brother, is engaged - which is super exciting. Brian got a NEW snowboard, so he's out on the slopes today to test it out. He had one all picked out, but when he went to the store to actually buy it - the guy at the store strongly suggested a different one. Game-time decision - he took the store guy's advice. We both think that it was a good decision - we will find out today!! Hopefully he will come back in all one piece.

This weekend I finished a baby-boy quilt top. This week I will pick out the back to it...I really need to get some pictures up. This quilt was a ton easier than my 1st one!! I hope to make many more if it continues to go this smoothly!!

- Keep up with the book club's reading plan...I believe by the end of 2011 - I will have read 12 books!!
- Spend 5 out of 7 days in God's Word
- Workout 2 to 3 days a week. (I know kinda weak, but a good start and doable!)
- Save at least $300 more a month than we did last year. This will be a good challenge!
- Finish our kitchen! We're almost 1/2 way there...

Well - that's all for now. I'm sure February will bring to light more goals, where I'm slacking, and new challenges!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Yay for fresh starts!!

I predict that this year will be the best yet! 2011 we are ready for you! My brother is getting married, so we will add another member to the family! Grandma's 90th birthday party is in May this year. A wedding and a major birthday - how wonderful!

2010 was full of huge blessings...
- celebrated our 1st wedding anniversary
- went on vacation with very good friends of our
- started another ministry year with Jr. High at our church
- thanksgiving with grandma and christmas with brian's family
- less tummy trouble for rach
- lots of DIY progress for brian and the kitchen project
- continued employment for both brian and rach during the year - what a blessing in this economy!
- brian's dad went back to work at GM - after being laid-off for an extended period of time

That's really enough said for the 1st post of the year! God is good!!

Happy New Year!!