
Monday, February 7, 2011

New Year, New Goals

So it's decided...this blog will have a little personal, a little business, and a little spiritual tone to it... we will see how this works out.

So I thought I would share a goal of mine. I would like to focus on putting things on Etsy. If you know me, you know that I love crafty things. Although I never think that I will get rich off selling the things I make...I do think the things I create make very nice gifts. I've decided that as a goal, I would like to post 1 item a week on Etsy for sale. This will be a challenge for me because generally I only create or work on something if I "feel" like it. Most days I consider myself either tired, lazy, or distracted. HA! This goal is to help me stay focused on what I really like to do!

God has given me certain skills and talents...and I really need to make sure I'm using them! I mean, it's not like it's a chore to use them...and in the end I come out with a wonderful handmade product. I basically sell them for cost + a few more dollars. Like I said, I'll never get rich doing this, but who says being rich is the way to go anyway? Here is my most recent post...

I recently got back from our annual Jr. High winter camp. In two words, Incredible (and exhausting)! I think "exhausting" is pretty self explained...spend any amount of time with 140 Jr. Highers and you're going to be exhausted. ha! Incredible. This is a little more difficult to define if you haven't experienced it yourself. There's just something about actually seeing God move among this age group. They're so...just...honest with what they struggle with and what they are going through. We could certainly take a lesson from them in being transparent.

It's so humbling to understand that I am a part of their life's bigger picture. Really?! Me?! I can make a difference in this crazy kid's life? Why me? It's sobering to hear what some of these kids deal with on a daily basis...loneliness, persecution, family money struggles, suicidal siblings, death of family members...drug problems...just to name a few. In the midst of it all you see some of them approach life with beyond-their-years maturity. It's so awesome to see how much some of these kids want to glorify God in their's so encouraging.

I'm excited for what the rest of the year will bring.

OH for another goal now - I want to make an effort to get closer to my Jr. High girls and really find out how I can help them out. I really haven't been calling them like I should, so I think the relationships have suffered because of it.

I will begin contacting them more regularly and making a stronger effort to hang out with them one-on-one. I've always said that the reason I am doing this - devoting my time to these kids is that I never had anything like this available to me as a child. As an awkward goofy Jr. Higher - I would have given anything to have someone older than me interested in me. Parents out there need all the help they can get now days - with all the negative influences pulling at their teens. They need someone outside the family to encourage right and Godly decisions.

I am really excited for what the rest of the year will bring!


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