I've recently been doing these devotions through a She Reads Truth app. It's honestly one the best things especially when you have a new born laying on you. It's so easy to pick it up and have access to solid devotionals written with women in mind. They are short, to the point, and challenging in nature.
That being said I'm fulfilling a challenge made to me on this app...so here we go!
1)The question was, "How is spiritual mothering already taking place in your community?"
Answer: The picture of "spiritual mothering" in the book is quite amazing. An older woman teaches women my age the secrets of cooking as well as provides deep spiritual truths during her regular meetings with the younger women in the church. This is awesome, however not something that I see going on in my life right now. However! What is going on is an incredible bond and commitment among the women my age in our small group. Yes, I've certainly had some mothering by one or two of them haha, but really we are all there to take care of each other and it's unlike anything I've ever experienced.
2) Has a godly woman influenced you in your growth in the Gospel?
Answer: yes. These same small group women have challenged me in my walk more than anything. From Jess's discipline to Sara's ability to memorize to Kristin's ability to put Scripture to practical action to Becca's words of gentle truth when I'm struggling... All of these women have had a major impact.
3) Has mentoring a young believer impacted your life?
Answer: This was convicting. A while ago now I served in the jr. High ministry at our church, but since having kids I stepped away. I believe I've also had an impact on my small group friends, but I think this question is more pointing towards seeking out someone who is younger, both physically and spiritually. This has me thinking about the few younger girls I have in my life and how I could apply Titus 2 with regards to them. I haven't worked everything out yet, but I want to do something. I'm just not sure what that looks like yet. Of course, I can't forget that I have 2 girls of my own that I am responsible for mentoring and hope someday they have and are mentors as well. In the meantime I will ponder this more and hopefully this will be the start of a new-ish blog series/season for me.
#shesharestruth #shereadstruth
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